Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Why can't green food be more friendly on the green in our wallets?

I am sorry to say that I usually don’t think about the environment when I am making my food choices. I think the biggest deterrents to buying more green products are price and the infrastructure. As a student, buying organic and all-natural products is so difficult because we don’t have extra money to burn on those products (they are usually noticeably more expensive). Also, the society we lives with food that is wrapped in fancy packaging, imported, and loaded with preservatives. It is hard to get around that. So, instead, I shop for what I will get the most use of at cheap prices.

As I am looking at my “Made in Guatemala” Chiquita banana, I think about how this one fruit has probably caused so much negative environmental backlash. First of all, it came all the way from Central America, which right there has such a negative impact because of the distance it took to transport it. Second, Chiquita bananas, like most commercial bananas, are probably grown in a huge sack of pesticides. All of which are probably not disposed of in the most eco-friendly way, and then run off into rivers and streams. All this and my bananas were so green (meaning under ripe, not environmentally friendly) that I haven’t been able to eat them for days!

But that is not all. I buy lettuce and I get it in those pre-chopped packages. Why not buy a whole head of lettuce and save on all the fancy packaging? I don’t know. Maybe because usually those bags of salad are usually cheaper and easier to use. I know that I don’t shop very greenly, but it is hard when we live in such a consumer society (excuses, excuses…I know!).

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