Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Inspirations from the Semster

I do not remember which reading this came from, but it has always stuck out in my head. "We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children," a Native American proverb. I love this quote because it is so much more eloquent than the academic literature we've been reading, and it evokes such passion.

Another one of my favorite quotes was from Cradle to Cradle,
"Negligence is described as doing the same thing over and over even though you know it is dangerous, stupid, or wrong. Now that we know, it's time for a change." This quote is a great way to sum up the semester. We have spent so much time examining the problems facing the environment this semester, but it all points to the same issue. We know that we are causing problems and now it is time to do something.

It has been great blogging with you all this semester. Have a great summer!

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